The Weight of Domestic Expectations
In today's world, women often find themselves juggling demanding careers, raising children, and managing the lion's share of household chores. Despite the progress we've made in gender equality, many still hold on to the outdated notion that domestic duties primarily fall on women's shoulders. This unbalanced division of labor places tremendous weight on mothers and undermines the significant contributions that women make in the workplace and society as a whole.
By perpetuating these expectations, we create a culture where the well-being and happiness of mothers are often sacrificed for the convenience of their spouses and children. The result? A cycle of exhaustion, burnout, and resentment that not only impacts the individual woman but society as a whole.
As statisticians scratch their heads as to why marriage rates are declining and women are having fewer children, legions of exhausted moms and their daughters that grew up watching them all collectively roll their eyes. To them, the answer is obvious. The once inspiring slogan of “Women can do anything!” has mutated into “Women must do everything!” and if corrections aren’t made soon, the declining numbers are only destined to get worse.
Even for women who chose to fulfill more traditional roles as stay-at-home mothers, the division of labor has never really been equitable or fair. Society's expectation for daily life continues to climb from the small homesteads of yore to 2000+ sq ft sprawling properties full of more furniture, clothing, toys, and knickknacks than your great-grandmother ever imagined tackling alone. The division of labor has become even more lopsided.
Add to that our ever-increasing demands of motherhood, including but not limited to taking children to endless extracurriculars, teaching them multiple languages, and crafting enriching educational experiences at home, all while maintaining the figure of her pre-baby-body, and we have collectively tipped the scales well past the point of fair.
Stay-at-home moms typically put in a 96-hour workweek of cooking, cleaning, providing childcare, chauffeuring services, shopping, bill paying, and more, which totals over $180,000 in salary value, in comparison to the 40-60 hour work week expected of breadwinners. So simply put, yes, your stay-at-home mom also should have never been expected to clean up after you 24/7 either, so you’re on the hook for helping too.
Imagine the positive impact that an equal division of domestic labor could have on families and relationships. With the burden of household chores shared more fairly, mothers would have the opportunity for self-care, leisure, and personal fulfillment. This newfound balance would not only lead to happier and more emotionally present mothers but also foster a deeper sense of connection and closeness in marriages.
By taking responsibility for our fair share of domestic duties, we can role model and pave the way for stronger and healthier families that thrive on the foundation of mutual respect and support.