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Microfiber Wholesale
21750 Van Buren Blvd.
Riverside, CA 92518
Tel: 877-791-6677

Nuestra historia

At Microfiber Wholesale, we’ve always been focused on our relationship with our customers and providing high quality cleaning products, even before we were called Microfiber Wholesale. For almost 75 years we’ve been able to carve out a niche with small business owners who recognize that using higher quality cleaning supplies makes cleaning easier and is less expensive in the long run.

Nuestra empresa comenzó en 1946 cuando mi abuelo, Landon Haney, se trasladó de Nashville a Los Ángeles tras regresar a casa de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Comenzó a distribuir mopas, paños para el polvo, escobas y cepillos a tiendas de suministros para conserjes y ferreterías. Pronto encontró un nicho vendiendo productos de limpieza a las lavanderías industriales, que alquilan textiles a las empresas y los lavan para sus clientes.

Back then things were different, our warehouse backed up to railroad tracks and products arrived from the mills in box cars. I remember coming to work as a kid with my dad, John. I’d work in the warehouse part of the day, then get to spend time in the office filing with my grandmother, who also worked there. I remember typing out notes to my grandmother on the big, heavy typewriters for writing invoices and purchase orders and playing with the check writing machine. I still have one of each in my office today to remind me how easy I have it with computers. I’d also go into my grandfather’s office, who was a little intimidating. His office was piled high with stacks of unfiled papers and product samples. He was usually on the phone and I’d listen to him. Most of the business was conducted on the (rotary) phone and it seemed to hinge on his or my dad’s personal relationship with customers. This was a key element to our business: relationships.

Tanto mi padre como mi abuelo eran excepcionales en la construcción de relaciones, y es algo que siempre he admirado y emulado. Aprendí de ellos que construir una buena relación no consistía en decirle al cliente lo que quería oír, sino en ser honesto, coherente y justo.

There were dozens of laundries in our area that we sold to, most of them run by an owner/operator. These owner/operators had the pulse of their business, they knew that for them to succeed they needed to be able to provide their customers with high quality goods that performed, and they were willing to spend more to get them. If they were providing inferior products, they would hear about it directly from their customers. High quality products are more durable and effective, and our customers knew that. These were other key elements to our business: quality and effectiveness.

Llegué a trabajar aquí a tiempo completo alrededor del año 2000. Mi abuelo hacía tiempo que se había jubilado y mi padre llevaba un par de décadas dirigiendo el negocio. El negocio seguía siendo bueno, pero estaba empezando a cambiar. Los propietarios/operadores con los que habíamos podido establecer relaciones estaban llegando a la edad de jubilación y habían empezado a vender sus lavanderías independientes. La mayoría fueron vendidas a grandes empresas de lavandería que (a veces) cotizaban en bolsa. A veces, las personas con las que habíamos establecido relaciones se quedaban y seguíamos haciendo negocios con los nuevos propietarios, pero otras veces no lo hacían y perdíamos clientes. Con el tiempo, los clientes perdidos por estas adquisiciones por grandes empresas se acumulaban. Aprendimos rápidamente que las cosas que importaban a un propietario/operador, la relación, la calidad y la eficacia de un producto, no eran lo más importante para las enormes empresas que habían absorbido a nuestros clientes.

We were introduced to microfiber in the early 2000’s. My dad was a cleaning geek, and I was becoming one too. I’m not sure how to describe how we felt about microfiber from the beginning, but it was a cross between amazement and love. There was nothing quite like demonstrating it to people who had never seen it before. I remember the first time I demoed a microfiber flat mop. It was with a group salespeople from one of our laundry customers. We were in the breakroom at their plant, early in the morning. The floor had already been mopped that morning with a regular cotton mop. I made the bold prediction that a few passes with the microfiber mop would result in a filthy mop pad. They insisted that I was wrong, that the floor was clean. So, I mopped and showed them the filthy pad. They instantly became converts and my dad and I continued proselytizing the benefits of microfiber to anybody who would listen.

However, we were still losing customers to acquisition. It was clear that our business couldn’t continue this way for much longer. Around that time my dad, who was my boss and mentor, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He didn’t let that stop him from working, He was a tough man and came to work every day, even days he had chemo.

In 2005 I attended a seminar about selling online. It was one of those high-pressure things like a vacations time share presentation. I’ve always been susceptible to a good sales pitch, my dad used to say I got “the fever”, meaning I was going to buy what I was going to buy and nothing was going to stop me. This was no exception. I walked out of the hotel ballroom ready to use their software to start selling mops online and I built our first website. It was called MopsPlus. We sold more mops than anything else back then, and although we did sell microfiber on that site, I didn’t have the foresight to focus on it, despite my love affair with it, and it took a few years to realize that microfiber should be our focus.

MopsPlus eventually became Microfiber Wholesale. E-commerce grew painfully slowly for us, but I kept at it and started bringing in a respectable amount of revenue, although it hadn’t really taken off. Back then we were selling products that we were buying from importers, and they were basically the same stuff everyone else was selling. I hadn’t figured out who we were as an e-commerce company.

In 2011 my dad lost a 7-year long battle with cancer. It was devastating, but not unexpected. Losing my dad left me alone in the business, but it also made me more determined than ever to not just keep it alive, but to grow it. I started thinking about what had made this business work in the past. Relationships, high quality products that performed and lasted for a long time, and customers that cared about both.

I realized that we could do that online. It would need to start with the products, so I set off to find factory owners that cared about the same things I did, relationships, quality and effectiveness. We worked together to create products that were awesome. I didn’t want to have the same thing everybody else had, I wanted ours to be better, ours needed to work better and last longer. We started importing these kinds of products.

Encontré un nicho en el que los clientes se preocupaban por la calidad: las empresas de limpieza. La mayoría de las empresas de limpieza residencial y comercial son lo suficientemente pequeñas como para que, aunque el propietario no esté haciendo el trabajo todos los días, esté conectado con las personas que sí lo hacen. Por lo tanto, si proporcionan productos de calidad inferior a sus empleados para limpiar, se van a enterar. Los propietarios de empresas de limpieza también entienden que si pueden utilizar un producto durante más tiempo, a la larga será más barato, porque no habrá que sustituirlo tan a menudo. Los propietarios de empresas de limpieza son para mí lo que los propietarios/operadores de lavanderías independientes eran para mi abuelo y mi padre.

Next, we had to build a relationship with those customers. It is hard to do that in the digital age and hard to do that when your customers typically place orders online. And, of course, most people don’t want to talk on the phone anymore. But we work hard at it. We encourage customers to call us by putting our phone number in big font at the top of the every page of the website. We also try to build a relationship by creating relevant content that our customers find useful and can even help them grow their businesses. We try to be as responsive as possible to email and chat. We try to stay in touch with our customers via email marketing and even though it’s marketing, we try not to be too salesy, too often.

Encontré una manera de operar un negocio basado en el comercio electrónico de una manera que es fiel a nuestras raíces como una empresa familiar de tercera generación. Desde el momento en que mi padre falleció en 2011, hemos dado un giro, hemos vuelto a descubrir quiénes somos como empresa y hemos crecido. Cuando éramos pequeños, recuerdo que intentábamos actuar como si fuéramos grandes. Seguimos siendo pequeños y me siento cómodo con mi empresa. Ahora hay una docena de personas trabajando aquí, incluida mi hermana, Blythe. Si mi padre y mi abuelo estuvieran vivos para ver el negocio ahora, sé que estarían orgullosos (y sorprendidos, especialmente por la contratación de mi hermana). Estarían orgullosos no por los números, porque honestamente, eso nunca les pareció importante, sino por cómo hacemos negocios. Yo también estoy orgulloso de ello.

Brett Haney
Microfiber Wholesale

Aprenda de nuestros expertos colaboradores los métodos, técnicas y herramientas exactas que utilizan cada día en sus empresas de limpieza.

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Preguntas frecuentes

Encuentre respuestas a nuestras preguntas más frecuentes.

Vídeos sobre cómo hacerlo

Vea cómo utilizar su microfibra de forma eficiente y eficaz.


Artículos y consejos técnicos sobre el mejor uso y cuidado de su microfibra.


Aprenda las mejores técnicas de limpieza de microfibras de la mano de profesionales expertos.

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By continuing with your order, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

Our property-marked towels are printed with a repeating pattern, and logo placement may vary from towel to towel.

You’ve chosen between receiving an emailed digital proof for a detailed review of your design at an additional cost of $20, or allowing our print team to use your uploaded file to prepare your order for printing.

We do not accept returns for printed property marked towels.