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Do not sell my personal information


Microfiber Wholesale may use your personal and personally identifiable information to provide our services to you, to customize our services to your preferences and requests, to communicate with you, and to provide you with interest-based advertising. When we provide you with interest-based advertising or utilize third party service providers, this use may be considered a “sharing” or “sale” of personal or personally identifiable information under the California Consumer Privacy Act.

To stop our sale or sharing of your personal or personally identifiable information, we provide you with two ways to contact us. You may email us at, or you may send a letter to:

Microfiber Wholesale

ATTN: Privacy Officer

21750 Van Buren Blvd

Riverside, CA 92518

To verify your request, we may request certain information from you to confirm that you are a user of our Services, such as your phone number, email address, city, state, or geographic location. You may also designate an authorized agent to make a request to us to disclose or delete your personal information. To do so, you must provide us with proof that the individual or business has been appointed as your agent, such by providing a signed power of attorney form, and provide accurate responses to any information requested by us that may be necessary to confirm that you are a user of our Services, such as your phone number, username, email address, city, state, or geographic location. California residents have a right not to receive discriminatory treatment by us for their exercise of these rights conferred under California law.


Preguntas frecuentes

Encuentre respuestas a nuestras preguntas más frecuentes.

Vídeos sobre cómo hacerlo

Vea cómo utilizar su microfibra de forma eficiente y eficaz.


Artículos y consejos técnicos sobre el mejor uso y cuidado de su microfibra.


Aprenda las mejores técnicas de limpieza de microfibras de la mano de profesionales expertos.

Continue To Cart Continue To Customize

By continuing with your order, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

Our property-marked towels are printed with a repeating pattern, and logo placement may vary from towel to towel.

You’ve chosen between receiving an emailed digital proof for a detailed review of your design at an additional cost of $20, or allowing our print team to use your uploaded file to prepare your order for printing.

We do not accept returns for printed property marked towels.