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This time of year you’re probably inundated with great gift ideas, but how often are you emailed with an admittedly bad gift idea?

Probably never… until now.

I’m writing this to tell you to not buy our products to give as Christmas gifts. Even though we primarily sell to businesses, we want to get a piece of the consumer spending frenzy that’s about to take place as much as the next guy. However, we can’t think of one legitimate reason to tell people to buy microfiber cleaning products as gifts.

We imagined a few different scenarios and put our horrible photoshop skills to work:

Husband buying for a wife?


Buying for a friend?

Nah, not a good idea either. No matter how good the cleaning product is, they’re always going to think you’re commenting on the cleanliness of their abode.

So, when you’re ready to start buying clean supplies again, please remember us, the company that saved Christmas!

Preguntas frecuentes

Encuentre respuestas a nuestras preguntas más frecuentes.

Vídeos sobre cómo hacerlo

Vea cómo utilizar su microfibra de forma eficiente y eficaz.


Artículos y consejos técnicos sobre el mejor uso y cuidado de su microfibra.


Aprenda las mejores técnicas de limpieza de microfibras de la mano de profesionales expertos.

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Our property-marked towels are printed with a repeating pattern, and logo placement may vary from towel to towel.

You’ve chosen between receiving an emailed digital proof for a detailed review of your design at an additional cost of $20, or allowing our print team to use your uploaded file to prepare your order for printing.

We do not accept returns for printed property marked towels.