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36" Microfiber Wet Mop Pad - Pack of 3

$26.98 / Paquete de 3 unidades
En todos los pedidos nacionales. No se requiere una cantidad mínima de pedido.
  • Losprofesionales de la limpieza que saben, utilizan nuestras Almohadillas de Microfibra Para Mopas Húmedas. No hay manera más eficaz y eficiente de limpiar los pisos de superficie dura que con las Almohadillas de Microfibra Para Mopas Húmedas. Se acabaron los días en los que había que cargar con un cubo de mopa, un escurridor y una pesada e ineficaz mopa convencional de casa en casa o de trabajo en trabajo. Sólo tiene que llevar suficientes Almohadillas de Microfibra Para Mopas Húmedas limpias para hacer el trabajo, ¡no podría ser más fácil!
  • Esta es la mejor almohadilla de microfibra para mopa comercial para pisos de madera, laminados, piedra, baldosas y hormigón. La microfibra recoge y retiene la suciedad dejando todos los pisos de superficie dura brillantes y sin manchas. Utilícela eficazmente con agua sola, o utilice un limpiador químico diseñado para el piso que necesita ser limpiado.
  • Ideal Size For Gymnasiums, Indoor Basketball Courts, and Large Meeting Areas! Using the 36" size is perfect for mopping large open areas. It makes the perfect microfiber gym floor mop. (Actual size 38 inches)
  • Used With Our 36 Inch Heavy Duty Microfiber Mop Frames. Mop pads cling to the frame with hook and loop.
  • Pida el suyo hoy mismo.


Diseñado para dejar todos los pisos limpios y sin manchas.

pisos de madera
Pisos laminados
Pisos de baldosas
Pisos de piedra
Pisos de hormigón


Los bucles más largos que otras almohadillas le dan más capacidad para levantar y remover la tierra.


La microfibra de alta calidad está diseñada para deslizarse sin esfuerzo por el piso, sin dejar suciedad ni manchas.


These mop pads are designed for large cleaning jobs. They are ideal for: Contract Cleaning, Janitors, Hospitals, and Gymnasiums.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam at porttitor sem. Aliquam erat volutpat. "

John Smith, Limpiadores de Couageuz

"Aliquam at porttitor sem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec placerat nisl magna, et faucibus arcu condimentum sed".

Ana Mary, Mugglie Maids

Donec placerat nisl magna, et faucibus arcu condimentum sed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Mark Adam, The Cleanining Pros

Detalles del producto

Construction: Microfiber Wholesale's 36” Microfiber Wet Mop Pad is a simple and effective lint free mop pad. It is constructed from looped polyester / polyamide blend microfiber yarn and looped polyester. The looped polyester is added to help the mop glide across the floor; too much microfiber would make it next to impossible to push across the floor. The microfiber / polyester face yarn is sewn to a hook and loop style backing with overlock stitching on the edges. Between the microfiber face yarn and the hook and loop style backing is a 3mm foam core. The purpose of the foam core is to help the microfiber mop pad keep its shape throughout the life of the pad and to store liquids (water, disinfectant, cleaner) which will help emulsify dust, dirt and grease for effective cleaning. This is why they are so effective for heavy duty cleaning. Mop pads cling to the frame with hook and loop.

Uses: 36” Microfiber Wet Mop Pads are great for daily maintenance or deep cleaning any hard surface floors. They work great for cleaning contract companies and housekeepers who need to get through their cleaning jobs quickly and hassle free. For healthcare applications, the microfiber wet mop pads are an essential tool for preventing cross contamination in patient rooms. The microfiber wet mop pads can also be used to wash down ceilings and walls when a more thorough cleaning is necessary. The density of the yarn and microscopic size of individual fibers allow the pad to reach into the depressions and tiny crevices on the floor surface and remove over 99% of the bacteria reached. These truly are an all purpose mop pad and can be used wet or dry for scrubbing, polishing, and damp dusting.

Method: Our 36” Microfiber Wet Mop Pads work great with just warm water, but for certain applications you may want to use the mop pad with chemical cleaners or disinfectants. You may also choose to use them with other natural cleaning agents such as vinegar or citrus. Depending on the size of the job and the amount of mop pads you intend to use, you can simply wet the mop pad in the sink for a bucketless mopping experience, or you may need to use a mop bucket. You want the wet mop pad damp, not a dripping, so wring it out. For wet mopping, work backwards through the room while moving the mop side to side, twist the handle to turn the mop, almost in a figure eight motion, so the same edge of the mop is always in front. This will prevent dust and dirt from being left behind.

Haga clic aquí para ver las instrucciones sobre cómo lavar las mopas de microfibra. También vendemos un detergente para microfibra.


  • Tamaños: 5” x 38” (13,5cm x 97cm)
  • Color: Azul claro/azul medio
  • Mezcla: El hilo azul claro es 80% poliéster/20% poliamida El hilo azul medio es 100% poliéster
  • Denier: .1-.2
  • Peso: 470 gramos por metro cuadrado (hilo facial)
  • Soporte: estilo gancho y argolla
  • Relleno: Espuma - 3mm de espesor

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