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Gone are the days of traditional sweeping. For a better method of cleaning your floors, invest in a Microfiber dust mop. Our dust mops clean way more effectively and efficiently than brooms... making your life that much easier.

Our dust mops are made of microfiber - a material that attracts negatively charged dust particles that normal brooms simply push around. The fringe yarn around the edges collects large debris while the cut yarn on the bottom of the mop collects dust . This tool is ideal for eliminating pet hair and dust that brooms just kick back up into the air.

You can adjust the handle of our dust mops so that it fits perfectly with your height. This eliminates the need to bend the back or extend arms to avoid any strain. Traditional brooms don’t have these adjusting options and can cause significant back pain.

It’s time to throw that old broom away and invest in a Microfiber dust mop.

To order or for more information checkout our Microfiber Mop System

La mopa de microfibra más vendida

  • Consiga que cualquier superficie de suelo duro quede libre de manchas.
  • Fácil de usar. No se necesita la cubeta de la mopa
  • Limpia muy bien sólo con agua.
  • Almohadillas lavables a máquina
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Vídeos sobre cómo hacerlo

Vea cómo utilizar su microfibra de forma eficiente y eficaz.


Artículos y consejos técnicos sobre el mejor uso y cuidado de su microfibra.


Aprenda las mejores técnicas de limpieza de microfibras de la mano de profesionales expertos.

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Our property-marked towels are printed with a repeating pattern, and logo placement may vary from towel to towel.

You’ve chosen between receiving an emailed digital proof for a detailed review of your design at an additional cost of $20, or allowing our print team to use your uploaded file to prepare your order for printing.

We do not accept returns for printed property marked towels.