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How to Clean Stone Floors

How to Clean Stone Floors

  • Busque productos de limpieza de pisos con las palabras "neutral", "sin residuos" y "pH 7" en las etiquetas de los productos.
  • A medida que friega, compruebe si la almohadilla está sucia y cambie las almohadillas de la mopa cuando sea necesario.

Keeping your stone floors shining and stain free is what professional cleaners do! So if you want to know how to clean stone floors, you’ll need some expert advice. Luckily for you, we’ve asked a couple of pros to help us out. With the help of Debra Braman, owner of Maid By Design, and Annie Farron, owner of Annie At Your service, we’ve crafted an awesome guide on the best way to clean stone floors. Follow the below steps and keep your natural stone, marble, travertine, limestone, sandstone, slate, or granite floors looking like new.

Este método es perfecto tanto si limpia sus propios suelos como si es un limpiador residencial o comercial.

Best Tips & Practices

The most important thing when cleaning stone is to not use a cleaner that is too alkaline or too acidic. Both can remove the finish or shine from the floor. Always use a neutral cleaner when dealing with any natural stone. A pH of 7 is neutral. Anything below 7 is acidic, which can eat away the sealant and cause etching. Above 7 is alkaline , which is great for removing grease and grime, but can leaving a damaging residue if it’s not properly rinsed and neutralized.

En segundo lugar, debe tomar medidas sencillas para el mantenimiento diario de sus pisos, especialmente cuando se trata de mármol. Esto hará que su limpieza sea mucho más eficaz y eficiente, además de evitar que sus pisos se rayen. El mármol es una de las piedras más blandas y puede dañarse fácilmente. Por ello, barra diariamente las zonas de mayor tránsito y utilice alfombras, para que la suciedad quede en la alfombra y no en el piso. Bajo los zapatos, la suciedad actúa como papel de lija.

A Mop For Stone Floors

The Mucho Mop digs deep into crevices and glides over uneven surfaces. There’s no floor you can’t tackle!


There are two methods when cleaning any type of flooring. The first is to use a spray bottle with a floor cleaner and a dry microfiber mop. Lightly spritz the cleaner on your floor and let it sit for a minute so the solution can grab the dirt. Then proceed to mop. This method minimizes the amount of dirty liquid that you may get into the grout lines or holes in a stone floor.

The second method is to use a bucket with your floor cleaner and dip your microfiber mop pad in the water, wring it well and mop. This method works great in your kitchens, since the extra water easily removes stuck on food. When using this method, work in small areas and rinse your mop pad often. You also need to make sure you’re not leaving behind a lot of water.

Do this by making sure your microfiber mop pad is wrung out well. As you mop, check the pad for dirt. If the pad is getting dirty, change it out for a new one, never let the pad get too dirty. Always carry clean mop pads in a bucket with solution. The microfiber scrubber mop pad is perfect for stone floors, since it is aggressive without being abrasive! Make sure to let the floor dry before you replace rugs because mold can develop.

Tile Lines and Crevices

Most stone flooring, unless it’s been honed, likely has dips and crevices in it where dirt will accumulate. If continually left untreated, no amount of mopping will remove it. This especially applies if you are cleaning stone tile floors, because debris gets caught in the grout lines. If this is the case, you will need a scrubber of some sort with a brush that will get into the crevices to get the embedded dirt out. The lil Chizzler is a great tool to use, since it is made of rubber it won’t scratch your flooring. If the stains and buildup is too much, the best way to clean natural stone tiles may be to contact an expert tile and grout cleaning person.

Protecting Natural Stone Flooring

Sealing is a very important way of making your natural stone floor last a lifetime. Natural stone floors are porous. This means they have holes, which makes them highly susceptible to spills, cooking oil, dirt and grime. This stuff will penetrate natural stone that hasn’t been sealed properly, causing stains and making it harder to clean and maintain. Sealers impregnate the stone, meaning they seal the holes so liquids and oils don’t penetrate the stone’s surface, but remain on top of the stone for easy cleaning. Cleaning products containing acid will break down the sealant over time making your floors porous again.

El limpiador más utilizado en los pisos es un detergente alcalino que se añade al agua de la mopa. A corto plazo, el agua jabonosa recoge parte de la suciedad dejando la baldosa con un aspecto limpio. Si se deja que el agua jabonosa se encharque y no se elimina por completo, el agua jabonosa sucia puede depositarse en las líneas de lechada o en los agujeros de la piedra porosa. Cuando el agua se evapora, la suciedad y el jabón permanecen. Como el jabón está en el lado alcalino de la escala de pH, cuando se seca deja un residuo ligeramente pegajoso. Esto, a su vez, hace que se adhiera más suciedad a la superficie. Esta acumulación, con el tiempo, hace que la lechada y la piedra se ensucien y puedan albergar bacterias. Además de resultar antiestética, la acumulación de bacterias puede producir olores.

Por eso, el mejor limpiador de pisos de piedra natural es el que tiene un nivel de PH neutro. Cuando busque productos para limpiar sus pisos, busque las palabras "neutro", "sin residuos" y "pH 7" en las etiquetas de los productos. Con un limpiador neutro sin residuos, no dejará ningún residuo ácido o alcalino que pueda dañar sus pisos. El jabón de fregar es un limpiador barato y la mayoría tiene un PH neutro (compruebe la etiqueta). A nosotros nos encanta utilizar el limpiador de pisos OdoBan No Rinse PH Neutro. También hay productos hechos exclusivamente para la piedra.

Why We Do it This Way

The products and methods we use are simple and safe, so you can learn how to clean natural stone floors effectively and efficiently. They are meant to work on all types of stone flooring including, marble, travertine, limestone, sandstone, slate, and granite. Try them out and start cleaning like a pro today!

Tools We Use

Almohadillas de Microfibra de Mopas Para Fregar

Ideal para eliminar los restos adheridos al piso

No rayan

Viene en tamaños de 18"-24"

Lavable a máquina

Sistema de mopa de Microfibra

Hace que la limpieza de los pisos sea rápida y fácil.

Viene con 2 almohadillas de mopa húmeda y 1 almohadilla de mopa para el polvo

Se limpia muy bien sólo con agua

Deep Clean Hard Floors, Effortlessly.

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