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¿Qué es una toalla de microfibra de alta calidad?

¿Qué es una toalla de microfibra de alta calidad?

"Just The Facts"

  • Not all microfiber is the same.
  • High quality microfiber towels will absorb liquid, feel "grippy" on your skin, and will pick up and hold dirt and dust.
  • Good microfiber towels should last hundreds of launderings.

Here's a microfiber cloth that is guaranteed to do all the above:

Hay 4 maneras de ver si su toalla es de buena calidad.

Are all microfiber towels the same? No, there is a difference between quality cleaning towels and not-so-quality products. This can be based on a variety of factors, such as types of microfiber towels, the microfiber quality itself, GSM, and so much more. When purchasing a microfiber towel, all you really need to consider are these three aspects:

          1. ¿Qué tan bien seca?
          2. ¿Qué tan bien recoge la suciedad y el polvo?
          3. ¿Cuánto tiempo durará?

Entonces, ¿cómo saber si tiene una toalla que reúne las 3 características anteriores? Hemos diseñado 4 sencillas pruebas para determinar si su toalla cumple el umbral de calidad. Estas pruebas sólo se aplican a las toallas de microfibra multipropósito, que son el tipo de toalla más popular. No todas estas pruebas se aplican a las toallas de microfibra de tejido plano, como las de cristal, gamuza y tejido estilo waffle, porque se tejen de forma exclusiva para fines de limpieza específicos. Lo mejor es que puede hacerlas fácilmente en su propia casa. Vea nuestras 4 pruebas para una toalla de microfibra de alta calidad a continuación.

¿De qué están hechas las toallas de microfibra?

Microfiber towels are made of a blend of polyester and polyamide. When looking for microfiber towel quality you want a 80/20 or 70/30 polyester to polyamide ratio because these are commonly the highest quality towels.

La prueba del agua: ¿es absorbente?

Microfiber is more absorbent than cotton for many reasons. With that being said not all microfiber towels are created equal! Higher quality towels should dry and clean up spills both better and faster than lower quality ones. So do the water test to see if your microfiber towel is absorbent.

          1. Vierta el agua sobre una superficie plana y lisa
          2. Coloque la toalla de limpieza de microfibra en la superficie y deslícela lentamente hacia el charco de agua
          3. Observe how the towel interacts with the water. Does it: Suck it up like a vacuum, push the water away, or somewhere in between?
          4. ¿Se esparce rápidamente por la toalla?

If your towel pushes the water away then it’s not very absorbent. You want a towel that acts like a vacuum, sucking the water up, wicking it through the towel. These are signs of highly absorbent microfiber towels. Make sure your microfiber towel is an 80/20 or 70/30 polyester to polyamide ratio. There is much debate on which of these blends is better. Some say one is better for cleaning and the other for drying, others say there is no difference at all. Of course there are other factors that contribute to quality, as you'll soon find out. Wherever you stand on the argument, everyone agrees that your microfiber towel needs to be somewhere between these ratios. Make sure to avoid 100% polyester microfiber towels.

La prueba del tacto: ¿Capta y Atrapa?

You want to make sure your microfiber towels have a "grippy" feel. The more "grippy" feel of the towel, the more dirt, dust, water, and even bacteria it will pick up! Don't worry, the grippy feel does not take away from the softness of the cloth, so you won't have to be concerned with scratching anything delicate. So here's how to do the Touch Test:

          1. Pase la mano por la toalla y hágase las siguientes preguntas.
          2. ¿El paño es suave?
          3. ¿Lo usaría en el acabado de su coche?
          4. ¿El material se agarra a las imperfecciones de su piel, enganchándose a su mano?

If your towel catches on your hand, it is made with split microfiber. High quality cloths have gone through a splitting process, leaving the fibers to look like an asterisk in cross section. The spaces left by the process is what gives your cloth the ability to pick up dirt and absorb liquid.

If your cloth isn’t split, it won’t be any more effective in cleaning than a cotton towel. Another factor that contributes to how well your towel will clean is the size of each fiber. The smaller the fiber, the more it can pick up.

Microfibers are measured in denier, which is the diameter of each fiber. By definition microfiber must be lower than one denier, which is equal to 10 micrometers. Good quality microfiber towels for cleaning usually have below 0.5 denier. This makes it small enough to pick up a variety of germs, bacteria, and microbes!

For example, our Buff™ Pro and Microfiber Glass Cloths both have extremely low deniers of 0.1 to 0.2. If you are looking for the best quality cleaning cloths, make sure you check the denier (if available).

La prueba del grosor: ¿es duradera?

When taken care of properly good microfiber towels should be able to lasts hundreds of washings! There are 2 ways to test the thickness of your microfiber towels. The Weight Test

          1. Pesar la toalla (si tiene una balanza GSM)
          2. ¿Es una toalla de microfibra de al menos 250 GSM (GSM=gramos por metro cuadrado)?

The more a microfiber towel weighs, the more microfiber it has. There are a variety of different GSM of Microfiber Towels, and this is because there are a variety of tasks they can be used for. But as a rule of thumb, a good quality towel has at least 250 GSM or more. If you don't have a scale, just check the website. Usually all microfiber products list their products GSM because they understand how important this is to customers. If they don't list it, that might be a red flag! Sunlight and Stretch Test:

          1. Sacar la toalla al sol
          2. Estire la toalla mientras la sostiene al sol
          3. ¿Se estira fácilmente?
          4. ¿Puede ver el sol a través de él como si fuera una estameña?

Si se ve mucho la luz del sol o la toalla se estira con facilidad, entonces no tiene una toalla de calidad. También es importante fijarse en la costura de la toalla. Asegúrese de que los bordes están bien cosidos, ya que así se evita que se deshilache.

High Quality Towels Guaranteed!

Nuestras toallas de microfibra Buff™ Pro Multisuperficie, número uno en ventas, son más gruesas, más suaves y más absorbentes que una toalla normal. Son tan buenas que puede usarlas para casi cualquier cosa.

If It Passes All Four Tests, Then You've Got High Quality Microfiber Towels

You should never test just one of these areas and rely on the results. You can get microfiber towels at a chain warehouse store that weigh more than 300 GSM, passes the sunlight test and doesn’t stretch very well. However, they aren’t absorbent and they don’t pick up dust very well. It would pass test 3 but not 1 and 2. If possible, a final check for high quality microfiber towels is to find out where they are made. We make sure to source our microfiber towels & cloths responsibly, so you can rest assured you are getting only the best. See where our microfiber towels are made. So in addition to testing, here are some things to look for when buying microfiber towels.

          1. Microfibras divididas
          2. 250+ GSM (Gramos por metros cuadrados)
          3. Relación 80/20 o 70/30 entre poliéster y poliamida
          4. 0,5 Denier o menos

For a towel that will pass all 4 tests above check out our Buff™ Pro Multi surface Microfiber Towels! We tested their absorbency, durability, and softness against other top brands this video! At Microfiber Wholesale we want to provide professional cleaners with the best microfiber towels for their cleaning business.

Check out some of our wholesale professional cleaning products today!

¿Quién fabrica las mejores toallas de microfibra?

MW Pro Multi-Surface Microfiber Towels are high quality. They've been tested to be softer, thicker, and more absorbent than your average retail brand microfiber towels. They've also been tested to not just hold up great, but to still work great after 200 launderings.

Sea cual sea la marca que elija, asegúrese de que sea de alta calidad.

¿Para qué sirven las toallas de microfibra?

Microfiber Towels are good for hundreds of cleaning tasks and pretty much anything you can think of! Because the tiny microfibers clean so well you can use them with just water to clean. Plus, they're machine wash friendly and are made to last hundreds of washes. Make cleaning easy and replace your paper towels and cotton rags with Microfiber!

Deep Clean Hard Floors, Effortlessly.

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    By continuing with your order, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

    Our property-marked towels are printed with a repeating pattern, and logo placement may vary from towel to towel.

    You’ve chosen between receiving an emailed digital proof for a detailed review of your design at an additional cost of $20, or allowing our print team to use your uploaded file to prepare your order for printing.

    We do not accept returns for printed property marked towels.